Taxes and Assessment



 Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll of the said Cardston County made under the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, has been prepared and is now open for inspection.  Under the Act, anyone wishing to appeal their assessment has sixty (60) days from date of mailing (May 27, 2024)

 The roll is open for inspection at the office of the Administrator of the Cardston County during business hours from 8:30 to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.   Any person who desires to object to the entry of his/her name, or any person(s) upon the said roll, or to the assessed value placed upon any property(s), must within sixty (60) days from the date of this notice, lodge the complaint(s) in writing with the Administrator of the County.  An appeal fee must be paid at the time the appeal is made. This appeal fee will be refunded if the assessment is altered by the Assessment Review Board.

 Dated this 27 day of May, 2024


Murray Millward,

Chief Administrative Officer B.Mgt CLGM

Cardston County

Murray Millward, 

Chief Administrative Officer 

B.Mgt CLGM Cardston County 


Property assessment is the process of assigning a dollar value to a property for taxation purposes. In Alberta, property is taxed based on the ad valorem principle. Ad valorem means "according to value.” This means that the amount of tax paid is based on the value of the property.

The market value-based standard is used to determine the assessed values for the majority of properties in Alberta. Market value is the price a property might reasonably be expected to sell for if sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer after appropriate time and exposure in an open market. Assessors gather information on ranges of sale prices in the marketplace. This statistical data is used as part of the process for calculating market value-based assessments.
To view the 2023 Assessment Roll for the 2024 tax year, please click here.

Cardston County's assessments are prepared by Benchmark Assessment Consultants Inc.

Assessment Appeals

To ensure that property owners have a voice in the property assessment system, the Municipal Government Act has set out a complaints and appeals system for property owners who have concerns about their assessment.

Any assessed person, taxpayer, or person acting on behalf of an assessed person or taxpayer may file an assessment complaint. An agent for fee acting on behalf of a property owner or taxpayer must have written authorization to do so. If ownership of a property changes while a complaint is in progress, the new owner of the property or business then becomes the complainant involved in any proceeding before the board.

To file an assessment complaint, please read this pamphlet and contact the County office for assistance before completing and submitting this form.

Property Taxes

Cardston County collects municipal property taxes in order to provide services like road construction and maintenance, recreational and leisure opportunities, agricultural services, emergency services, utilities such as water, and more.

Cardston County, along with all other municipalities, is required to collect various requisitions on behalf of the provincial government to help fund provincial education and senior programming. The provincial government requires that municipalities collect these requisitions via municipal property taxes and reallocate them back to the provincial government. These provincial requisitions are included in your property tax rate.

Under the Municipal Government Act, municipalities are responsible for collecting taxes for municipal and educational purposes. Property taxes are levied based on the value of the property as determined from the property assessment process. Property taxes are not a fee for service, but a way of distributing the cost for local government services and programs fairly throughout a municipality.

Mill Rates

Mill rates are established every year by a bylaw approved by Council. A mill rate is the rate used to calculate your annual tax levy. This is called the mill rate because the number is expressed in mills - one mill is 1/10th of a cent ($.001).

Your mill rate is the amount of taxes to be raised for every $1 of assessed value for your property. For example, with a combined residential mill rate of 7.4943, a tax parcel valued at $1,000 would have a tax levy of $7.49.

Mill Rate Breakdown

(Municipal Portion Separated from all Requisitions)

  Requisitions Breakdown (municipal portion not included)
Provincial Policing

Seniors Foundation
DIP (Designate Industrial Property)

Non-Residential Education3.74953.87303.75993.48503.4747
Requisitions Breakdown (municipal portion not included)

Municipal Residential 3.85003.85004.00004.20004.0000
Municipal Agricultural 11.840011.840012.000012.200012.2000
Municipal Non-Residential 16.550016.550016.800016.800016.8000
Small Business
BITP (Business Incentive Tax Program)


Combined Mill Rate

 (Municipal Portion Combined with all Requisitions)

 Country Residential7.49437.6266 7.61277.97537.4506
 Agriculture Land15.4843 15.616615.612715.975315.6506
 Linear Property21.463721.656221.822621.679521.5562
 Machinery & Equipment16.550016.5500 16.800016.800016.8000
 Power Generation17.714217.783218.062718.194518.0815
Provincial Res Ed Exempt
Provincial AG
Comm Non-DIP
Small Business
BITP (Business Incentive Tax Program)

 Cardston County has set a $150 minimum property tax per parcel.