
From Left to Right: (Back row) CAO Murray Millward, Councillor Roger Houghton, Councillor LeGrande Bevans, Councillor Tom Nish, (front row) Councillor Broyce Jacobs, Reeve Cam Francis, Deputy Reeve Randy Bullock, Councillor Wayne Harris. 

Our Mission and Vision
Our Mission is to provide the citizens of Cardston County and orchestrate the infrastructure with a stable & reasonable taxation system

Our Vision is to create a community where families want to live, enjoy the beauty of our environment and the western heritage of the area and maintain the values, integrity and respect that created Cardston County.

Council Meetings
Cardston County's Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month. On the fourth Monday of the month, a Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) Meeting is held prior to the Council Meeting. Unless otherwise stated, Council and MPC Meetings begin at 9:00 A.M. and are held in the Council Chambers at the Cardston County Administration Building.

Council Meeting agendas will be posted to Cardston County's Facebook and on our homepage as early as possible. The minutes from Cardston County Council Meetings are approved at subsequent Council Meetings. The minutes are posted here as soon as they are approved by Council.

County Documents
Click here to search, navigate and print documents such as our meeting minutes, policies, bylaws and other documents.

Council Presentations and Community Donations

If you would like to make a presentation to Council or appear as a delegation at one of our Council Meetings, please complete the Council Presentation Form and submit it to us by email, fax, or in person. We will try to schedule your presentation during the next Council Meeting.

If you would like request a donation from Cardston County for your community organization or event, please read our Community Donations Policy and complete the Community Donation Application and submit it to us by email, fax or in person. The policy and application can be found here.

Each Councillor is allocated $500 in our budget annually to donate to the community organization(s) or event(s) of their choice. We recommend that you contact your division Councillor to take advantage of their annual donation fund.

Councillors and Divisions

County Councillor - Division 1 Broyce Jacobs
Phone: (587) 370-8468

County Councillor - Division 2 Tom Nish
Email Phone: (403) 795-5891

County Councillor - Division 3 Roger Houghton
EmailPhone: (403) 634-7281

County Councillor - Division 4 Cam Francis 
EmailPhone: 403-308-2696

County Councillor - Division 5 LeGrande Bevans (Deputy Reeve) 
EmailPhone: (403) 653-7202

County Councillor - Division 6 Wayne Harris
EmailPhone: (403) 593-8348

County Councillor - Division 7 Randy Bullock (Reeve) 
EmailPhone: (403) 593-0332