Cardston County’s Snow Removal Program follows the same structure as our Road Maintenance Program. The County is divided into 7 Grader Divisions, aligned with the Councillor Divisions, and each division has a dedicated grader operator responsible for snow removal in that area. We also have one "floater" grader operator who is available to assist across the County as needed when additional support is required.
Snow Removal Priorities
We prioritize snow removal based on the type of road and its importance to public safety and transportation. Our priority order is:
- Primary Roads
- School Bus Routes
- Non-School Bus Routes
- Private Roads (By request, only when all other priorities have been completed)
Focus on Safety
During snow removal operations, school bus routes receive special attention to help ensure safe travel for students.
Grader Division & Road Priority Map
To see how your area fits into the County’s snow removal plan, view our Grader Division and Municipal Road Priority Map.
Requesting Snow Removal
Residents may request snow removal on both municipal roads and private roads by:
- Contacting our office at 403-653-4977
All requests are forwarded to the Public Works Supervisor, who will assess the situation and recommend next steps to the grader operator for the area.
❗ Residents requesting snow removal on a private road must sign a waiver before any work can be completed. You can download the Private Road Snow Removal Waiver Form [here]
Important Reminder – Extreme Weather
In severe winter conditions — such as blowing snow, poor visibility, or dangerous temperatures — grader operators may not be able to follow their regular snow removal schedule. The safety of our employees comes first, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during these challenging conditions.
For more information or to submit a request, contact:
Cardston County Public Works
📞 403-653-4977