Pest Control

Cardston County’s Agricultural Service Board (ASB) offers pest and predator control services for specific species identified in the Agricultural Pests Act. These services are intended to support landowners in managing problem species, but they work best when combined with proactive prevention measures. Taking steps to reduce attractants, monitor your property, and act early can greatly minimize future issues.

Primary Pest Concerns in Cardston County

The following pests are currently of significant concern within Cardston County:

Working Together

Successful pest control requires collaboration between the County and landowners. Our team can help by:
✅ Providing information and advice on control methods
✅ Supplying select control products (where applicable)
✅ Assisting with site inspections to assess infestations
✅ Supporting landowners with targeted control efforts when necessary

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions about pest or predator control, or if you need guidance on how to manage a specific pest problem, please contact the Agricultural Service Board at: