Address Changes
Mailing address changes and requests to receive utility bills, property tax notices, and other bills via email can be reported to Cardston County by submitting the appropriate forms found here. Completed forms can be submitted by mail, fax, email (, or in person at the County office.
Please note that address changes made with Cardston County are not automatically reported to the Alberta Land Titles Office. To update your address with the Alberta Land Titles Office, property owners must complete and submit a Notice of Change of Address Form directly. You can find the Notice of Change of Address Form here.
Burn Permits
Cardston County residents wishing to conduct an open fire must obtain a burn permit before proceeding. To acquire a burn permit, call our main office at (403) 653-4977, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The burn permitting system helps our fire departments monitor open fires, distinguishing between controlled burns and potential wildfires. Residents who conduct open burns without obtaining a permit will be responsible for all costs associated with fire department responses.
Development Permits
Cardston County requires development permits for all new developments. Application forms are available at our office or can be downloaded from our website. We encourage residents to contact the Director of Planning Services at (403) 653-4977 before submitting a development permit application to ensure compliance with the County’s Land Use Bylaw and to confirm all necessary information is included.
Subdivision Applications
The Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) serves as the subdivision agent for thirty-eight municipalities in southern Alberta, including Cardston County. ORRSC provides services such as reviewing applications, processing requests, making recommendations, and endorsing final subdivision approvals. Applications can be found here.
Learn more about the subdivision process on the ORRSC website here.
Business Licenses
All businesses operating within Cardston County must obtain a business license. To apply, download the Business License Form. Completed forms must be submitted to the County Office via mail, fax, email, or in person.
The business license fee is $50.00 for County residents. If you require a regional business license, the fee is $130.00. Once your business license is processed, it will be mailed to you or available for pickup at the County Office.
Cardston County, the Town of Cardston, and the Town of Magrath have a mutual agreement to honor each other's business licenses. This agreement allows County residents to provide services within the Towns of Cardston and Magrath without purchasing additional town licenses.
Permit and Form Downloads
Please click here to access all permit and form downloads.