Mill Rates

Every year, Cardston County Council sets the mill rates through an approved Mill Rate Bylaw. These rates are used to calculate your annual property taxes.

What is a Mill Rate?

A mill rate represents the amount of taxes charged per $1,000 of assessed property value. The term “mill” refers to one-tenth of a cent ($0.001).

How Your Property Tax is Calculated

Your property tax bill is calculated using:
📊 Assessed property value (determined by the County’s property assessment process)
📊 Mill rate (set annually by Council)

Example Calculation

If your property is assessed at $100,000 and the residential mill rate is 7.4943 mills, your tax levy would be:

$100,000 ÷ 1,000 x 7.4943 = $749.43 in taxes

Why Mill Rates Change

Mill rates may change from year to year depending on:

  • Municipal budget needs (road maintenance, emergency services, recreation, etc.)
  • Changes in provincial requisitions (education tax, senior housing support)
  • Changes in assessment values across the County

Current Mill Rates

The most up-to-date mill rates are available in the annual Mill Rate Bylaw, which can be accessed here.

Mill Rate Breakdown

Requisitions Breakdown (Municipal Portion Not Included)

Provincial Policing0.21560.25920.41410.3373-
Seniors Foundation0.21350.21620.19840.19570.1721
DIP (Designated Industrial Property)---0.0765-
Non-Residential Education3.74953.87303.75993.48503.4747

Municipal Portion (Mill Rates Set by Cardston County)

Small Business-14.895014.895014.895014.4000
BITP (Business Incentive Tax Program)----12.6000

Combined Mill Rate (Municipal Portion + All Requisitions)

Country Residential7.49437.62667.61277.97537.4506
Agricultural Land15.484315.616615.612715.975315.6506
Linear Property21.463721.656221.822621.679521.5562
Machinery & Equipment16.550016.550016.800016.800016.8000
Power Generation17.714217.783218.062718.194518.0815
Provincial Res Ed Exempt-4.79044.98775.32725.0329
Provincial Agricultural-12.780412.987713.3272-
M&E DIP-16.626616.876616.871616.8765
Commercial Non-DIP-21.579621.746021.607921.4797
Small Business-19.924619.841019.702919.0797
BITP (Business Incentive Tax Program)----17.2797

Minimum Property Tax

💡 Cardston County has set a $150 minimum property tax per parcel.


If you have questions about how mill rates work or how your taxes are calculated, contact:
Cardston County Office
📞 403-653-4977