Road Maintenance

Cardston County is responsible for maintaining a safe and reliable road network across the County. To manage this effectively, we have divided the County into 7 Grader Divisions, which align with the boundaries of our Councillor Divisions.

Each Grader Division is assigned to one dedicated grader operator responsible for regular road maintenance in that area. In addition, the County employs one "floater" grader operator who can assist across all divisions, helping where extra support is needed.

Focus on Municipal Roads

Our primary focus is the maintenance of municipal roads to ensure the safety and functionality of our transportation network. Special attention is given to:
✅ Roads with high traffic volumes
✅ Roads requiring critical maintenance to prevent costly repairs

When schedules allow, we also try to assist with private road maintenance upon request.

Road Priorities

All municipal roads are classified into five priority levels, which guide how often they receive maintenance:

Priority LevelMaintenance Frequency
Primary RoadsHighest priority; most frequent maintenance
Secondary RoadsRegular maintenance as needed
Third Priority RoadsMaintenance based on condition and availability
Fairweather RoadsGraded twice per year (spring and fall, weather permitting)
Private RoadsBy request only, when all municipal priorities are complete

Grader Division & Road Priority Map

You can view our Grader Division and Road Priority Map to better understand how your area is served.

Requesting Road Maintenance

Residents can request maintenance for either a municipal road or a private road by:

  • Calling our office at 403-653-4977

All requests are forwarded to the Public Works Supervisor, who will assess the road’s condition and determine if maintenance is needed. Requests for private road maintenance will require the property owner to sign a waiver before any work can be completed.

The Private Road Maintenance Waiver Form can be downloaded [here]


For more information, please contact:
Cardston County Public Works
📞 403-653-4977